
Char Chhuk (Cambodia)

Development of an independent power plant, based on the valuation of biomass by gasification in Cambodia - Char Chhuk project

Country: Cambodia
Technology : Biomass
Start: 2011
End: 2013
Investment : 200 000 €
Co-Financing : UNIDO (United Nation Industrial Development Organization)
Associated company : CCDE - Cambodia Consuslting Development Engineering
There are in Cambodia more than 200 mini-decentralized networks in rural areas and peri-urban zones. They are run by local entrepreneurs: Rural Energy Entrepreneurs (REE). The massive use of second hand gensets often inefficient and polluting on the sometimes poor designed networks result in very high operating costs.
As a consequence the high tariffs for a bad electric service are a real obstacle to development of rural areas. These constraints have also a decisive impact on the poorest in limiting their access to basic services.
IED has identified, designed, assisted in installation and is currently supervising operations in Char Chhuk (Angkor Chum district) a 200 kW power plant based on a rice husk gasifier, gas engine and a dual-fuel gaz-diesel thermal plant.
All effluent are used or treated: solid wastes and by-products are sold as fertilizers, not valuable wastes are burnt at high temperatures, and liquid effluents are cleaned so to have a null environmental impact.

The result of the project are:

* To improve production cost and financial sustainability of the operator
* To introduce renewable energy in the current energy production
* To reduce CO2 emission
* To improve electric service : reliable 24/24 service
* To increase the connected household and services

Detailed Description of the Actual Services Provided by your entity IED together with its subsidiary CCDE have realized:
* Identification of the project
* Agreement from legal authorities acquiring and contractual frame writing
* Funding searching and financial framework building
* Technical pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
* Plant implementation and construction :
   - Gasifier based on rice husk of 200kW
   - 70kW gas thermal group
   - 130kW dual fuel thermal group
* Up grading of the MV and LV distribution grids and loss reduction
* Plant operation and Bulk energy selling to the local REE.
The plant was commissioned in July 2012 when there were 400 clients. By end 2012, number of clients had increased to 1000.
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Apr 3, 2013
Category: General_FR
Posted by: Admin
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